Meet Our College and Career Advisors

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Elsa Gonzalez Cabral
(562) 328-3723

Pioneer HS


California HS (MW)
Pioneer HS (TuThF)

7:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Lunch: 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Image of camera with text that says "Photo Unavailable"

Jonathan Olmedo
(562) 322-7978

Santa Fe HS/La Serna HS


Monday through Friday
7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Lunch 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Image of camera with text that says "Photo Unavailable"

Mayra Campos

El Rancho HS/Salazar HS


Monday through Friday
7:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Lunch 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Image of camera with text that says "Photo Unavailable"

David Belis
(562) 325-7290

California HS


Frontier HS (F)
Santa Fe HS (M-Th)
7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Lunch 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Image of camera with text that says "Photo Unavailable"

Jackie Ramirez
(562) 321-0569

Whittier HS/Frontier HS



College and Career Pathways Advisors

College and Career Pathways Advisors (CCPAs) directly support our students in establishing a college and career plan to enable students to make well-informed, smart decisions regarding their career pathway exploration, industry preparation, and college selection. Students participate in career exploration utilizing California Career Zone along with several other resourceful websites like Doing What Matters, BLS Occupational Outlook Handbook, O*Net.

Students are introduced to assessments that allow students the opportunity to analyze their interests, strengths, and possible career pathway matches. Students are taught how to interpret assessment results and formulate a self-profile. Our goal is to ensure this self-analysis stage is a crucial foundation to ensure our students are creating a college and career plan that is aligned to persona, self-actualized interests, and goals.

College and Career Pathways Advisors

Career Plan

Personal Self Assessments

Career Pathway Exploration

Identifying Industry Certifications and Skills

Identifying Education Requirements for Specific Careers

Choosing a College Major

ROP/CTE Class Enrollment

College Exploration

How to Investigate Colleges

College Drop Out Rates, Retention Rates, On-Time Graduation Rates

Identifying Your Ideal College Atmosphere

Choosing the Best College fo Your Major

Understanding and Preparing for the College Culture

Employment Preparation

Creating a Standout Resume

Identifying and Marketing Your Unique Strengths and Skills

Mock Interviews

Job Applications

Cover Letter

Social Media Presence

Apply for a Job/Dress for Success


How to Choose a Career

Majors and Colleges

Creating a College and Career Portfolio

Internships: Getting Experience!

Career Technical Education Pathways

Life After High School

Getting Hired and Professionalism in the Workplace