Medical Core


  • CTE Sector: Health Science and Medical Terminology
  • CTE Pathway: Patient Care
  • Located at: La Serna
  • Recommended Prerequisite: None

Course Description

Medical Core is designed to give students an overview into the health science and medical technologies industry and teh various careers within the industry.  Students will gain strong foundational knowledge in body systems, anatomy, physiology, medical math, and terminology.  Other topics covered include infection control, nutrition, legal and ethical principles, and safety/first aid.  This is a required introductory course that can lead to other medical pathway courses offered.

This course is a prerequisite for Emergency Medicine, Sports Medicine, Dental Assisting, and Nurse Assistant Pre-Certification.

Integrated throughout the course are standards for Career Ready Practice and Academic Content Standards which include: appropriate technical skills and academic knowledge; communication skills; career planning; applied technology; critical thinking and problem solving; personal health and financial literacy; citizenship, integrity, ethical leadership and effective management; work productively while integrating cultural and global competence; creativity and innovation; reliable research strategies, and environment, social and economic impacts of decisions.