Digital Design II


  • CTE Sector: Arts, Media and Entertainment
  • CTE Pathway: Design, Visual and Media Arts
  • Located at: Pioneer
  • Recommended Prerequisite: Digital Design I

Course Description

Digital Design II builds on the knowledge and skills gained in Digital Design I. Students will participate in groups, think analytically, and create digital design products. Through hands-on and performance-based assignments and strategies, students develop industry-related foundational and advanced concepts and skills such as understanding the processes and systems common to careers in visual and image analysis, publishing, printing, and other forms of media distribution as well as the pathway to pursue employment, certification, or post-secondary degree in the field of digital arts, advertising design, and marketing. Students will engage in contemporary and historical practices in the creative field through a series of personal and creative activities, as well as develop an understanding of the cognitive marketing and branding solution for a given product, whether it is a commodity, a political idea, an instrument of social change, or an effort to recruit patronage or participation.

Integrated throughout the course are standards for Career Ready Practice and Academic Content Standards which include: appropriate technical skills and academic knowledge; communication skills; career planning; applied technology; critical thinking and problem solving; personal health and financial literacy; citizenship, integrity, ethical leadership and effective management; work productively while integrating cultural and global competence; creativity and innovation; reliable research strategies, and environment, social and economic impacts of decisions.