Digital Photography II


  • CTE Sector: Arts, Media and Entertainment
  • CTE Pathway: Design, Visual and Media Arts
  • Located at: California
  • Recommended Prerequisite: Digital Photography I

Course Description

The Digital Photography II course picks up where Digital Photography I left off, by utilizing similar but advanced photo skills and software for graphic and image manipulation to create commercial graphic products and aesthetic fine art images, while promoting technological and visual literacy. Students will create advanced products geared towards non-profit clients, using image and text strategies for projects such as graphic and poster design, manipulating found and created imagery, and to work with visual narrative strategies using photojournalist techniques that address both personal as well as public themes of identity, place, and community.

The first semester will focus on creating and developing photographic imagery through advanced photographic techniques to be used in a variety of ways from pure aesthetic images to commercial production. The second semester will further develop these skills by combining photographic imagery with graphic design and textual elements for a variety of authentic, real-world projects.

Integrated throughout the course are standards for Career Ready Practice and Academic Content Standards which include: appropriate technical skills and academic knowledge; communication skills; career planning; applied technology; critical thinking and problem solving; personal health and financial literacy; citizenship, integrity, ethical leadership and effective management; work productively while integrating cultural and global competence; creativity and innovation; reliable research strategies, and environment, social and economic impacts of decisions.