Sports Medicine II


  • CTE Sector: Health Science and Medical Technology
  • CTE Pathway: Patient Care
  • Located at: El Rancho and Whittier
  • Recommended Prerequisite: Medical Core or Foundations in Health Science

Course Description

Sports Medicine II builds on the knowledge and skills gained through Sports Medicine I and prepares the student for entry-level employment or further post-secondary training in the field of Sports Medicine. Students acquire advanced practical concepts of training room development, risk management, administrative and legal issues, and prevention, care, and treatment of athletic injuries. Further knowledge and skills related to body conditioning, nutrition, use of protective equipment, and awareness of environmental issues are incorporated. On-the-field and off-the-field assessment, prevention, and treatment of acute and non-acute injuries following standard precautions build students’ experience during practical application.

Integrated throughout the course are standards for Career Ready Practice and Academic Content Standards which include: appropriate technical skills and academic knowledge; communication skills; career planning; applied technology; critical thinking and problem solving; personal health and financial literacy; citizenship, integrity, ethical leadership and effective management; work productively while integrating cultural and global competence; creativity and innovation; reliable research strategies, and environment, social and economic impacts of decisions.