Culinary Arts II

- CTE Sector: Hospitality, Tourism and Recreation
- CTE Pathway: Food Service and Hospitality
- Located at: El Rancho
- Recommended Prerequisite: Culinary Arts I
Course Description
Advanced Culinary Arts is an introduction to the basic principles of nutrition, wellness and food preparation. The focus is centered on healthy food and lifestyle choices. The student receives training in kitchen safety and sanitation practices, food terminology and proper measuring while demonstrating basic food preparation techniques. Students demonstrate the ability to read a recipe and adjust the yield, also able to explain the benefits of eating a variety of foods from each recommended food group. Students will participate in the planning, costing, preparation, serving, storage and critique of meals in project based learning.
Integrated throughout the course are standards for Career Ready Practice and Academic Content Standards which include: appropriate technical skills and academic knowledge; communication skills; career planning; applied technology; critical thinking and problem solving; personal health and financial literacy; citizenship, integrity, ethical leadership and effective management; work productively while integrating cultural and global competence; creativity and innovation; reliable research strategies, and environment, social and economic impacts of decisions.