Whittier High School
Administration of Justice Academy (Saturday)
This course is designed to provide classroom instruction, role-playing scenarios, and physical fitness training to prepare students for a Law Enforcement Academy, or an Explorer program, or a career in or relating to the Administration of Justice system.
Automotive Technology I
Automotive Technology I prepares students for employment where a broad skill set and general understanding of all automotive systems are required.
Culinary Arts I
Culinary Arts I is a course designed to introduce students to fundamental food preparation terms, concepts and methods in Culinary Arts where laboratory practice will parallel class work.
Culinary Arts II
Advanced Culinary Arts is an introduction to the basic principles of nutrition, wellness and food preparation.
Graphic Design II
Graphic Design II provides students with an in-depth understanding of principles, theories, and elements of design.
Medical Core
Medical Core is designed to give students an overview into the health science and medical technologies industry and the various careers within the industry.
Sports Medicine I
Sports Medicine I will engage students in an in-depth study of whole body anatomy and physiology as a basis for understanding the processes involved in injury treatment, management, and healing.
Sports Medicine II
Sports Medicine II builds on the knowledge and skills gained through Sports Medicine I and prepares the student for entry-level employment or further post-secondary training in the field of Sports Medicine.